So, first of all a happy new year! may 2009 be much better than 08. I have been quite busy through the whole winter vacation due to some homework that's going to take a long time to complete (read 2 books in Japanese about International Relations then write a 5 page report on that in Japanese). One of my new years resolutions is to start updating this blog more frequently so hopefully I'll start posting at least once every 2 days (as soon as I'm done with my finals in early February) .
I have not yet chosen what I will specialize in in the field of IR but I am interested mainly in 4 things,
1: Water-wars, the increasing scarcity of water is quite a interesting and is already starting to show it's face as a partitial cause (though, yet quite far from being the sole cause) in conflicts like the previous Israel-Lebanon, Sudan and China-Tibet-India.
2: Post Green-wave global structures: If there is a green wave how will trade structures and the relations between the countries look afterwards. I can't imagine there being anything but major changes.
3: Cyber-IR: How is the cyber-structure affecting IR new organizations and treaties etc. are already springing up and to research this would be extremly interesting.
4: EU-Japan, Sweden-Japan Relations: probably the most boring of the 4 but still interesting
as for the finishing touch one of my favourite academics Lawrence Lessig has all his books up for free at his website under a Creative Commons License!! (what else to expect,, he created it)
In the horror/tragedy section we find swedes debating in blogger HAX's comment section about whether it's ok to accept the Guantanamo Prisoners (who are cleared of all charges and released) as refugees in Sweden (in swedish)
Sverige vs. Signal (blogcast)
1 week ago